Angelic Affections
The Definitive Heero and Relena Shrine

Welcome to my Heero and Relena Shrine. In time I hope that this site will be one of the top Heero and Relena shrines ever. If you are not a fan of these characters or this couple than feel free to flame me, but once you flame me, that flame belongs to me and I may do whatever I want to do with it. So Flame at your own risk.
I will be in the chatroom around 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time almost everyday. I will be under the name Aisha Yuy unless otherwise noted. Please submit fanfiction, fanart, and essays by clicking on the submit link below.
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This web design and html coding was written by Aisha Yuy.
Gundam Wing and all its characters and mecha © Sotsu, Sunrise Agencies, and Bandai America.